Saturday, January 12, 2008

Thing #17 Online Productivity Tools

I had heard of Zoho Writer before, but I had never really investigated it before now. I like the idea of my words being instantly accessible online, and, like makingtheworldpretty said in her post, my college daughter would benefit greatly from it in terms of using it for her notes. My daughter has the Word program on her computer (and no, if I'd known about Zoho or Googledocs, I wouldn't have shelled out the $$ for it!)-- in fact, her response to my telling her about Zoho was, why is that better than Word? My reply was, remember when your computer had that awful virus and erased everything? If your notes were on a Zoho or Googledoc, you would still have them. Another thing to consider for my daughter is that she wouldn't have to tote her computer everywhere. She could just log in to her notes and start studying. Like she does with her Facebook or Myspace accounts. No matter where you go, log on and there they are. Portability.

I liked all the different things that my Zoho account offers me, especially the presentation tools. If I want to make a slideshow, I don't have to worry about PowerPoint being finicky between the computer I create it on and the one I present it with. I just log in to my Zoho account and presto there it is for the download. Hopefully it's as easy as they say. It's definitely worth the try.

I must say, I'm amazed at all the free tools offered online. Why are all these things available? How are these distributors/creators making money? I know you can upgrade, but come on. How many of us are really going to do that? I'm not. Not my Flickr account, not my PBwicki account, not anything that I've signed up for. I know I shouldn't worry about this, but I do. After all, there is a saying that is pretty credible: if something seems too good to be true, maybe it is. (Remember online grocery ordering? It was great the short while it lasted.) My point is this: will all these free sites be out there a year from now? Five years? Should we depend upon them in the way in which I wrote about above? I don't mean to be negative. Just trying to put a realistic view on things.


speedreader said...

Great questions and very valid concerns! I do wonder too why all these things are free and how long they can stay around without charging us for the basic services. What if I create lots of documents this way..and then the site goes down? That would be terribly frustrating, but I guess you get what you pay for...or don't pay for in this case. Love the mention of still having access to your documents even if your computer gets a virus...which I've just recently dealt with myself.

mmw said...

I think the advertising pays for a lot of these tools. The more people that use them, the more advertisers and the more $$ for the developer.